Sunday, November 18, 2012

Should You Learn Scala?

It depends on what you want to accomplish*, but the answer is probably yes.

By way of background, Scala is a programming language originally developed at the Swiss university EPFL in an attempt to apply recent innovations in programming languages research to a language that can gain mainstream traction.  Researchers keep coming up with clever ways to it easier for programmers to write correct code and to write less code, but much of the time only academic programmers benefit because these features are implemented in boutique languages (for instance, OCaml and Haskell) that are not in widespread use in industry or open source projects.

On its own, without considering features such a libraries and interoperability, Scala is a nice language.  It is "multi-paradigm," supporting object-oriented programming and functional programming idioms.  Scala allows you to define types associated with both data attributes (with classes behaving like C++/Java classes) and behavior attributes (with traits corresponding to Java interfaces).  In the way of functional programming idioms, Scala functions are first-class (which means you can pass them around as values) and Scala also supports anonymous functions and currying (partial application of multi-argument functions).  This combination of features make it possible to write Scala programs that are quite concise and elegant**.

Scala's libraries and interoperability make it a force to be reckoned with.  Scala runs on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and can interoperate nicely with Java code.  This means that you can use Java libraries directly from Scala code.  It is also possible to call Scala code from Java (see here).  There is a nice post about how you can take advantage of Scala parser combinators, which use higher-order functions to help you write concise parsers, to write parsers for systems otherwise written in Java.  Not only can you do all of the things in Scala, you can easily write part of your program in Scala and the rest in Java.  (This is huge for mainstream adoption potential because so much of the world's code is written in Java and so many developers are taught in school!)

Learning Scala will make you more marketable.  Many companies are using Scala these days, including LinkedIn, FourSquare, Twitter, and Quora.  The founders of Quora spent a couple of months building a Scala web framework in order to use Scala.  Martin Odersky, the man behind Scala, is now behind the startup Typesafe for supporting Scala development.  There are some nice Scala web frameworks out there, including Lift and Play.  Scala is also gaining traction in the research community.  Many more people cared about our research on the Jeeves programming language for automatically enforcing privacy policies once we implemented it as an embedded domain-specific language in Scala.

Scala is also relatively easy to learn, especially compared to other strongly statically typed languages (OCaml; Haskell).  I have previously said that Python is the most marketable language for beginners, but I am beginning to change my mind.  Like Python, Scala has clean syntax, nice libraries, good online documentation, and lots of people in industry using it.  Unlike Python, Scala also has a static type system that can prevent you from doing bad things (whereas in Python the bad things just happen when you run the program).

If you are teaching a course using Java, you may want to consider switching to Scala.  I have recently had positive experiences teaching Scala to MIT undergraduates during recitation in 6.005, the software construction course taught primarily in Java.  During three recitations I introduced how to use functional idioms, how to build an evaluator for a simple language by using data types and pattern matching, and how to build an incredibly concise parser for the tiny language using parser combinators.  You may find my notes here, along with the accompanying code examples.

If you are considering the merits of Scala over other languages, you may also be interested in reading my Quora responses to the questions "What makes a good programming language?" and What are the advantages of Scala over C++ and Haskell?.

* If you are building scientific applications, a language with more math support (Matlab; Mathematica; R) may be superior.  If you just want to do a weekend project writing a Craigslist scraper, Python may be better because it is easier to learn and has great web scraping libraries.
** Okay, Scala programs are not as beautiful as OCaml or Haskell (I have another post on ML vs. Haskell) but it's so much more practical in many ways.


  1. 2 questions:
    - Would your recommend a book or textbook for somebody coming from Java?
    - and a book / or any source that would focus on the advantages of Scala for server side programming (I use JSF, why should I be interested in Scala?)
    Thx a lot!

  2. Here are some useful links for learning Scala from Java:

    You may be interested in learning about the Play MVC framework:
    There is a book with an early access edition about it:

  3. Great post. I love that you mention Scala as an option for introductory programming. I have been using it as the exclusive language of instruction for CS1 and CS2 at Trinity University since Fall of 2010 and I love how it works. Since there wasn't much material out there for that purpose I wound up writing a lot myself and it turned into this,

  4. I do know that Scala is based on Java. So I would like to ask you whether I need to learn Java first, if not is there any diffculties?

  5. You should not have to learn Scala first to learn Java. It may be useful to know some Java if you want to access Java libraries.

  6. Hi Jean, really great article. I was just wondering what your thoughts are on how well scala stacks/compares against c#? Do you think scala will actually be a "successor" to java as some are claiming? And if it is a successor to java, which language do you think has a brighter future, c# or scala? also, which one do you think is more object oriented or has a better OOP model, c# or scala? thanks and sorry for all of these questions.

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  9. Anonymous10:48 PM

    Indeed Java dev should now look to Scala. This article has covered some difference between Scala and Java and also shared few resources to learn Scala.

  10. I am from C++ background and do not know Java. DO you think I should go for Scala or learn Core Java first and then think of Scala?

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  128. QuickBooks, managed by Intuit provides a platform to supervise the financial and accounting services of one's company and business. It works as both desktop and cloud-based accounting software. QuickBooks Online, services provided QuickBooks Desktop Support Number in which is an application that may work minus the worry regarding the installation process. It focusses on administrating small and medium-sized business by providing a platform to govern and include all the details which are necessary to run employment smoothly and effectively.

  129. QuickBooks Enterprise Support team can help you deal with most of the issues of QB Enterprise. Now let’s have a look on the industry versions therefore it has furnished us with. You will discover six forms of industry versions that QB Enterprise offers.

  130. At QuickBooks Support Number we work with the principle of consumer satisfaction and our effort is directed to give you a transparent and customer delight experience. A timely resolution into the minimum span could be the targets of QuickBooks Toll-Free Pro-Advisors. The diagnose and issue resolution process happens to be made step by step and it is kept as simple as possible.

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  132. Quickbooks Support Telephone Number
    QuickBooks has completely transformed the way people used to operate their business earlier. To get familiar with it, you should welcome this positive change.Supervisors at QuickBooks Canada Support Phone Number have trained all of their executives to combat the issues in this software. Utilizing the introduction of modern tools and approaches to QuickBooks, you can test new techniques to carry out various business activities. Basically, this has automated several tasks that have been being done manually for a long time. There are lots of versions of QuickBooks and each one has a unique features.

  133. Because of a number of USA Small business using the QuickBooks Payroll Technical Support Number and Payroll is an extra Add-on which make the accounting business more fruitful for each and every person .Intuit company already helping the businesses to manage their financial task more easy, with the use of the Payroll software you can interlinking the process of accounting to your payroll system .

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  135. QuickBooks Support toll free Number advisors are certified Pro-advisors’ and it has forte in furnishing any type of technical issues for Intuit QuickBooks Tech Support Number. They have been expert and certified technicians of these domains like QuickBooks.

  136. QuickBooks Customer Care Telephone Number: Readily Available For every QuickBooks Version.Consist of a beautiful bunch of accounting versions, viz.,QuickBooks Pro, QuickBooks Premier, QuickBooks Enterprise, QuickBooks POS, QuickBooks Mac, QuickBooks Windows, and QuickBooks Payroll, QuickBooks has grown to become a dependable accounting software that one may tailor depending on your industry prerequisite. As well as it, our QuickBooks Technical Support Number will bring in dedicated and diligent back-end helps for you for in case you find any inconveniences in operating any of these versions.

  137. whenever you feel something went wrong with your accounting software and should not discover a way out, you could get tech support team from QuickBooks Tech Support Number experts’ team, working day and night to fix any issues linked to QuickBooks.

  138. Intuit QuickBooks Support Number get you one-demand technical help for QuickBooks. QuickBooks allows a number of third-party software integration. QuickBooks software integration is one of the most useful solution made available from the program to control the accounting tasks in an easier and precise way. Need not concern yourself with the costing with this software integration because it offers a wide range of pocket-friendly plans you can use to control payroll with ease.

  139. The QuickBooks customer care executives is likely to be available 24/7 only for their users. So get quick help by contacting the Intuit QuickBooks Phone Number our toll-free number you will find various types of bugs, glitches, and issues that users can face while operating the QuickBooks.

  140. Quickbooks Support Telephone Number
    QuickBooks has completely transformed the way people used to operate their business earlier. To get familiar with it, you should welcome this positive change.Supervisors at QuickBooks Desktop Support Number have trained all of their executives to combat the issues in this software. Utilizing the introduction of modern tools and approaches to QuickBooks, you can test new techniques to carry out various business activities. Basically, this has automated several tasks that have been being done manually for a long time. There are lots of versions of QuickBooks and each one has a unique features.

  141. Is QuickBooks software not responding well? Do you want effective and efficient solutions for your issues? The solution is at your door. Contact us through our alternative party toll-free QuickBooks Support Phone Number to reach our customer service team. Please don’t think much and stop wasting your own time googling here and there.

  142. So if you are facing any kind of errors or issues like unexpected QuickBooks error 6000 80 and many more, every day with your QuickBooks Support Phone Number then don’t concern yourself with it. Primeaxle always gives you the most effective & most amazing team to simply resolve or fix your errors or issues whenever you want.

  143. QuickBooks Tech Support Number serving an array of users daily, quite possible you'll definitely hand up or have to watch for period of time so that you can connect aided by the Help Desk team .

  144. QuickBooks Support Phone Number is furnished by technicians that are trained every once in awhile to generally meet with any type of queries linked to integrating QuickBooks Premier with Microsoft Office related software.

  145. Quickbooks Support Telephone Number
    QuickBooks has completely transformed the way people used to operate their business earlier. To get familiar with it, you should welcome this positive change.Supervisors at Intuit QuickBooks Support have trained all of their executives to combat the issues in this software. Utilizing the introduction of modern tools and approaches to QuickBooks, you can test new techniques to carry out various business activities. Basically, this has automated several tasks that have been being done manually for a long time. There are lots of versions of QuickBooks and each one has a unique features.

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  147. Dial our QuickBooks Helpline Number 1-855-236-7529 and get connected with our adroit QB specialists to fix QuickBooks Error 6010, 100. QuickBooks is a great accounting software that offers useful tools like invoicing, bill payment, payroll, and financial reporting. However, this software is not devoid of error. One such sneaky error is QuickBooks Error 6010, 100. This error significantly affects the normal functioning of your software. Further, its slowdowns the system, prevent software from responding and hinders the installation process of QuickBooks software. Thus, to eliminate this error you can attain instant help and support at QuickBooks Tech Support Phone Number 1-855-236-7529.
    Read more:

  148. Dial our QuickBooks Helpline Number 1-855-236-7529 and get connected with our adroit QB specialists to fix QuickBooks Error 6010, 100. QuickBooks is a great accounting software that offers useful tools like invoicing, bill payment, payroll, and financial reporting. However, this software is not devoid of error. One such sneaky error is QuickBooks Error 6010, 100. This error significantly affects the normal functioning of your software. Further, its slowdowns the system, prevent software from responding and hinders the installation process of QuickBooks software. Thus, to eliminate this error you can attain instant help and support at QuickBooks Tech Support Phone Number 1-855-236-7529.
    Read more:

  149. QuickBooks Customer Care Telephone Number: Readily Available For every QuickBooks Version.Consist of a beautiful bunch of accounting versions, viz.,QuickBooks Pro, QuickBooks Premier, QuickBooks Enterprise, QuickBooks POS, QuickBooks Mac, QuickBooks Windows, and QuickBooks Payroll, QuickBooks has grown to become a dependable accounting software that one may tailor depending on your industry prerequisite. As well as it, our QuickBooks Toll-free Support Number will bring in dedicated and diligent back-end helps for you for in case you find any inconveniences in operating any of these versions.

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